Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Poooooems -

Have been busy thinking of poems. Sorry for not posting ( should I be sorry? ).
These are the poems I wrote. Enjoy. ^^
Why is it that some people who find love,
handle it with such carelessness?
Some people search for love all their lives.
When it is found,
why put it down and forget about it,
only to realize how much it meant when it is gone?
When you find love,
hold on to it,
celebrate its feelings,
drown in them every day,
be consumed by them...
I am consumed by you xxxx.
I will never set aside my love.
I will never look for it only when it is lost.
I love you.
I will show you and tell you every day.
A thousand fair suitors all stab at your heart
Those poets of movement and jockeys of art
The high-volume vendors who hustle romance
Splashing their canvas with color and dance
The blasters of trumpets,
gold banners unfurled
They offer lush gardens in glistening worlds
Yes, bearers of torches and carvers of stone
Who whisper their sonnets and surrender their thrones
And there in your doorway, no shadow is cast
No lingering voices,
no ghosts from the past
Just a cluster of walls,
and a window of pain
Collecting the heartache like droplets of rain
Still I stand before you, with palms to the sky
No gold in my pocket,
no thorn in my side
And all I can offer,
where words have no place
Is a body that trembles,
and this love that awaits

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yo, Mama!

I found this Yo Mama jokes and it freakin make me laugh to death.
Yo mama so fat.....
She could declare herself as a country.
When she gets up, it turns into night.
When she walks around, people yell "RUN RUN... Godzilla!"
When she farts the makes a crater in the earth.
When she jumps she knocks the earth out of orbit.
NASA Plans to use her to plug the hole in the ozone layer.
At any given time, there are folk running around her for exercise.
Her graduation photo has to be taken by sattelite.
She measures 38-26-36 and that's just her nose.
She creates her own gravitational pull, thus small objects orbit around her.
She sat on a Nintendo Gamecube and turned it into a Gameboy.
Her belt size is measured in miles.
When jets fly by they pick her up on their radar.
She makes the grand canyon look like a basement crack.
When she eats and she's not satisfied she eats the fridge too.
When she has something stuck in her teeth, the has to use the Seattle Space Needle.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Buy or I'll Shoot!

*If You Don't Buy This Magazine. Dick Cheney Will Shoot You In The Face!*
I found this front page from one of the US' magazine. I'm sure no one dare not to buy it.

Moon Fall -

Nothing special today. Just freakin completed my goal which is setted to be done few months ago.This is it :-
When the sun get low,
the moon get high,
shine on the ocean of Beverly High.
The leaves drop,
the night falls,
May the Moon always shine on top.
That was the first version. And after writing it, I made this funny version.
When my son get low,
my wife get high,
Dance in the pub club of OUG High.
The music rock,
the dancers talk,
May the drugs always be with you.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Think. Think. Think!

Try to imagine.
What is outside of your house?
What is beyond the grass?
What is beyond earth?
Milky Way
What is beyond Milky Way?
What is beyond the Universe?
No one will ever know.
Sometimes, nothing should be explained clearly. If everything is explained clearly, there is no more mystery around us. Without mystery, we will not be curious. Without being curious, we will never discover or recover anything that is still unknown to us.
Many people doesn't know how to think out of the box. When they are asked or ordered to do something, they will just follow every guide they have. They will try to work it out but sometimes, it wouldn't be right. And they will keep on trying to solve it with the solution they have and without realising the real problem they're having, they mess everything up.
Hence, thinking out of the box is needed when you face a problem. When you can get something right with the solution you currently have, think of another way. By thinking out of the box, even if you can't get the problem right, atleast you might get a better solution than the previous one.
There was once a physicologist experimented a test. It goes like this :
He gathered 2 type of secondary school students. Group A contains students who score very well in their studies. As for Group B, he gathered students who are only above-average. He tested both groups with a list of IQ questions. He expected Group A will win. But unfortunately, his guess is wrong. Group B had finished the questions first. How can that actually happen?
The reason is, smart students always follow everything written on the book. They always follow the law and doesn't really think out of the box. As for Group B students, although they are not as smart as the Group A students, but they can think out of the box to solve the questions.
Therefore, whenever you're facing a problem, Think out of the Box. Do not just follow one solution.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

RM179. Gone.

Carbonate Power,
RM179.90 original price,
bought with RM150.00.
High Modulus Graphite + Nano Technology,
Black 26 tightness string,
white Gouir Gousen handler pad.
Maximum degree of bending 10+ degrees.
Full muscle power + light weight.
As for KW's,
Original Price RM150.00+,
offered price RM130.00+,
Impact ArcForce 7,
High Modulus Graphite + GS Carbon Nanotech ( Nanoscience ),
Even Balance,
Purple 25 tightness string,
black SMS no. 97 Handler pad,
Maximum Degree of bending 15+ degrees.
Long size + Light Weight.
Bought right after wushu, and collected it at 6.30pm.
Pictures of it will be uploaded sooner or later due to problems of my phone's camera.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Please Don't Stop The Music

I've been a blog surfer and I understand why sometimes everyone dislike a blog to have a background music/song and it, sometimes annoying, will bother you listening to your own song. So to prevent this to happen, I would not play, or whatever you like to call it, a song into my blog. So, please play your own song. xD

See You Again.

School's over? So fast? Actually, school ended at 10, which is right after the recess bell rang. Teacher purposely gathered almost all the form 3s and just freakin told us that we can go now. We freakin shocked because almost all of us thought that she has something important to tell us. KW and I, whom were forced to stay till normal school end time as no one can get us home.
Badminton. Rest. Badminton. More adminton. And more badminton.
Sprain my arm. So bloody hurt. Dammit.
Nothing funny really happened exept when CY's getting her full-attendence certificate, the presenter shouted her name wrongly. It goes like this = Ng.. Ng.. Ng Shiok Yie! Ng Shiok Yie?
And when CY stood up and walk to him, he only realised he read it wrongly by reading her nametag. And everyone is like.. "LOL!?"
And the teachers are laughing too. And one of them said:" Kenapa baca salah ni!?"
Well. There's not really anything extraordinary today. Just kinda disappointed in Mr. Ong for what he'd done to my precious KW! >=( I'll skip the story. Too long and I'm way too lazy today.
Okay, that's all for today I think, See you guys later than. Sayonaraa!~

Thursday, October 30, 2008

School's Over -

Year 2008 October 30, A.K.A Friday, last day for Form 3 students in SMKSS. School's gonna be over soon, Woot!~
Thought of a poem in school today, it goes like this: -
When Good friends find themselves apart,
they are still close, atleast in their hearts,
because they care and always will,
that's why they need to keep in touch.

For 'True Friends' can understand,
that friendship really can't be planned,
it simply happens when two person meets,
it is built by sharing, joy and smiles,
which they give to each other,
it is a gift to cherish every day of your life,
that crosses time and even miles.
Quite a number of my friends are leaving M'sia next year, to almost around the world, like S'pore, New Zealand, Australia and Iraq ( going there to die by getting killed by atomic bombs or nuclear strikes.. Just joking. ^^" )..
I will appreciate every relationship and friendship now and always. Thanks guys, for giving me such a wonderful life. Good luck and enjoy your holiday everyone. ^^
And hey KL, thanks for your lap today >=)

Monday, October 27, 2008

You. You. And just, You.

I've just worked my finger out a tad bit, how awesome. Scrolling down the long list of pictures was, very nice. Not arranged in date, place or event everything was mixed up.Different emotions, different looks, different people. All bonded together in a file labelled 'My pictures', and in that, a ton of other files with a million tiny pixels forming together to create everything I call memories.There are pictures of you, and it's so bewildering to see how different things are from when that picture was taken. How situations have changed, obstacles have been overcome and bonds have been strengthened. I'm generalizing this you, because to subtly name each memory would take forever to complete. I won't say, "I hope you know who you are." because that would be just too general. It would loose its meaning, shallow-fy its depth and it just wouldn't be the same, as compared to if I do list out every picture and memory that just ran through my head.But like I said, it'll be just too long, listing every single thought that ran through my head tonight.I guess, time will keep passing, pictures will keep coming and memories will continue building. Good, or Bad. But it's pretty awesome, to see how it's nearing the end of another year. And to think of what's yet to be accumulated in that file labelled, Eric's pictures is just -dumbfounding. But beautiful at the same time.I do, hope you who reads this now know that you're in my picture box. I hope you know that little or small, big or tall- your picture inside my folder is one more picture that adds to the significance of it all.You're there because the role you play, importance you are and memory you have helped sculpt is one more tremendous significance treasured. One more picture that I looked at tonight and then smiled at.And you know, they say smiling helps increase your lifespan, so thank you. Thank you for being, you in my life.So generalized, so uncategorized and so vast you might think. But like I said, whatever size shape or category you come under my picture folder- I think knowing that you played a role in contributing a smile, would be a little blurry at first. It might just come as a little feeling. You might not be sure, if I'm talking about you. But that slight hint, that slight pang of doubt, wonder and "Is it me?", would be enough to assure you that, I am.You're special, not only because you're in my picture folder. But because that tiny picture has so much more meaning, plays s big role and contains an immense amount more of significance that you think it does.I, Love You.
Here's to Then, Now, and Later.

Friday, October 24, 2008

You are Never Around..

How come you said vulnerability is okay, and that it's part of the whole process?That yes, you may get hurt but you'll pull through it and it'll only teach you and help you learn?H0w come you said that was a one pointer and that it wasn't wrong to have made that step? Encouraged me to allow the vulnerability to creep in, but expect me to be in control this time.I think I did, incautiously did. And it seemed to work. I seemed to have a firm hold on it and not let myself slip on that algae liked covered road. But then my shoes lost it's flower patterns on the rubber soles slowly. And now it looks like it's slowly wearing out.It's not all that fun anymore, not feeling like you know exactly what you're doing. Not feeling safe by your ownself and wanting to hear, see and feel. Wanting it not to be only mentally but physically present too. In fact, it's somewhat scary wanting to have someone around, and actually being scared of being alone now.So I might have been vulnerable. For that second in time. But now, it's difficult choosing to hold on, or let it slip away again. Because as beautiful as the fantasy might seem, there's a possibility that it might never- happen.
It's weird because I know how surface it all is, although there are momentary bout where it feels like it isn't.
But really, how come when I really do need you, you're never around

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Magnets' Feety Love

They say opposites attract. And similarity, causes the occurrence of repelling.Making full use of Chemistry, it's like how two negative/positive terminals of magnets push away, and two opposite ends stick and get along with each other so well.It's pretty baffling, thinking of the logic of it all and how it comes about. If two things are the same, have similar thoughts and want similar things- the chances of miscommunication, tension and annoyance is so high. If just thought about in a blink though, it seems like that should be the total opposite.At the same time, when two different opinions, views and standards come about, the chances of an arrival of a new term which is tolerable to both sides, somehow just appears without a logical explanation.Everything I hold firm to and believe in, is hard to let go. Because it makes sense, seems logical and is just me. But then the seed never falls far from the tree, as different as two different clouds may look, size or shape- they both originate from water droplets. And how much more different can water droplets get.Having so much in common is nice. Thinking the same thoughts, having the same views and feeling the same feelings is comforting, because then not much needs to be said, not too different thoughts need to be voiced out and there doesn't need to be more than one explanation. Just one will do, because that other someone, just should get it now.The Chinese used to bind the feet of girls' together since young, so the shape and contour of the feet just become tiny, stunted and shaped to be, the shape of the bind. An exact replica, so to say.After a few years, the bones start to not grow naturally anymore, with the binds surrounding it. It doesn't grow longer or bigger. It remains curled in the white bandage, sitting in the same position because of the hindrance it faces from the white cloth tightly wrapped around it.After a few years of being moulded, you could remove the cloth. You could free the foot from its bondages and leave it to grow in it's own way. But inevitably, it won't ever look like a normal foot again. Sure, bandages break, bondages are released. But it's shape, size, contour, construction would have been quite permanently created.You could say, it would grow normally from now on then. Take it's own shape, find its own stability and learn to take its own steps. But it would be complete distortion, if you said it could or would be starting a new.Because what it carries on from, will be what it builds on later. It would follow the curves, bends and formation of its binds' mould. Sure, walking would be possible after, even with its tiny sole and fragile structure. But only with tiny, excruciating steps, or by having to depend on a cane -is it possible.You can't possibly reprimand a Victorian lady for wearing a corset and shaping her waist to be of a certain figure. Not at all, because what right do you have to tell her what she is to do with her body, tell her what you think she should be aiming for in context of her own body shape.The idea of beauty she holds, might only be able to be seen in her eyes, and that might be all it takes for her to be satisfied. What seems bizarre to someone else, might not seem worth even just a flinch to her.At the same time, if she totally detests high multicoloured socks (for instance), telling off someone she sees parading in them on their feet, would be despicable on her side. Because that certain spectrum of colour might be good enough to keep that certain seafood-er, happy.So like bonded feet, corsets or even multicoloured socks, antagonising someones belief or views isn't exactly the best thing to do, (unless of course it involves sticky glue and hair, that sort of thing.)It's easy to push it into the corner of the brain labeled 'unacceptable', 'berserk', or plain 'ppft', if a flaw or opposition arises from an individual because- 'I don't see the logic.'But when you have thoughts in your head you completely detest yet hold on so strongly too, then hear them being voiced out in such strong belief by someone else it becomes -scary.Because then it comes back to the whole issue of similarity, repelling. There's the immense relief having someone think the same thoughts, have the same worries and fear the same things as you, because that means they understand. But when you stop and think, then realise those are the original worries, that got yourself worrying, it gets balled up in a whole big cluster of confusion, anger, resent and mixup mystification.Noone knows if the Victorian ladies' waists would have originally wanted to be a little bigger than size zero (whichonmysideIwoulddefinatelynotunderstand). Noone knows if the bonded feet originally intended to be a size eleven and play in the NBA. Because bones don't talk, feet don't either, and being at such a young age makes knowing what you want- a little upstream. So then, you just shape yourself to fit into a corset, contour your toes to fill the bandages, and think and believe what's given and provided right from the beginning.Like I said, corsets are bewilderingly beautifully, tiny feet are excruciatingly exquisite. And someones thoughts might be thrilling to them. I believe if there isn't any wrong or danger in having an opinion, nothing should get in the way or change it.But like I said, it's the whole not knowing -whether clouds being pink would still be funny if everyone saw them as pink, right from the beginning. Not knowing if walking on all fours would be still weird, if everyone grew up doing that from the start.And it's scary, because I see myself so much in you. Certain things I know we both share and feel so strongly in, yet know can sometimes get a little out of hand because of the similar personality traits. And I don't know, if I detest seeing that part of personality in myself, or unlike you, just don't/won't know how to handle it.But I know, I do Love You.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bad feeling about this.

I love, little kids. I like the fact they can get away with ice cream smeared all over their mouths, have their little rubber soled shoes step on the plastic cushions in cafes and get away with it pretty easily.But when they get a little older than -toddler and start screaming, making a fit, being all pissy, hitting their siblings with empty plastic bags (ohhoweffective) and go all -'I want it give it to me or I'll scream my lungs out till they pop considering I'm already screaming loud enough to deafen Sarah slightly', I just feel like taking a pillow and hitting them om their little heads. Not hard enough to knock them out, just enough till they get slightly woozy and find it hard to multitask following their parents, so as to not get lost and talking at the same time.But everything aside I do, like kids- I really do.
According to JasonVoon, while he was washing tons of cups after refreshments on Sunday;Using paper cups, means you have to cut down trees.Plastic cups release poisonous gas when heated strongly causing sever ozone layer damage. If using the type you can wash, you waste water washing 'em.And styrofoam cups, are not biodegradable.So what do you do when you're stuck with a million cups to wash and the fact that somehow any type of cup -isn't all that environmentally friendly?My conclusion -"Next time I'm on coffee duty, I'll just get two hee-uge Ikea vases, fill 'em with coffee and tea for people to drink from. Ohh, and that saves all the washing I need to do (;".Instant noodles, always come with monosodiumglucomate, also known as ar-gee-no-mo-toe. Basically, this stuff is flavouring that makes your hair drop if too much is consumed.Picking up a instant noodle package which seemed pretty okay seeing it had this sign saying, 'Non-Fried-Noodles' on it, I checked the labelled at the back and went,"Mummy, it says monosodiumglucomate. That's the thing that makes you grow bald right?"She replies, "Yeah, if you take to much it does." But then, she pauses and adds-"Oh, check if it's from Singapore. Cause I trust the monosodiumglucomate there more, should be fine."So now, I know that Mummys preference and confidence in Singapore food is much higher than Malaysia's. And ohwow, I could not agree more.So loves, buy Singapore products, to add a few more years to your life.